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Websites and Organizations

Mad In America - - This site provides readers with news, stories of recovery, and access to source documents in order to further a rethinking of psychiatric care in the United States and abroad. Contributors are many of the leaders in this movement.


The Law Project for Psychiatric Rights (PsychRights) - - This is the first site to go to for information about legal rights and issues that concern people caught up in the mental health system or who have been identified as someone with mental health problems.

MindFreedom - MindFreedom International is an organization of sponsors, grassroots groups and of individual members to win human rights and alternatives for people labeled with psychiatric disabilities. Its goals are to win human rights campaigns in mental health, challenge abuse by the psychiatric drug industry, support the self-determination of psychiatric survivors and mental health consumers, and promote safe, humane and effective options in mental health. The site has much information about and for people who have been labeled with psychiatric disabilities.


The Hearing Voices Network - - The Hearing Voices Network (HVN) USA is one of over 20 nationally-based networks around the world joined by a belief that there are many ways to understand the experience of hearing voices and other unusual or extreme experiences.  HVN seeks to develop an alternative approach to coping with emotional distress that is empowering and useful to people, and does not start from the assumption that they have a chronic illness.


The International Society for the Psychological and Social Approaches to Psychosis, ISPS ( its United States chapter, ISPS-US ( ISPS has the following principles:

  • Promote the appropriate use of psychotherapy and psychological treatments for those suffering from psychotic disorders. Integrate these approaches into treatment plans in all phases of the disorder.

  • Promote research into individual, family, group psychological therapies, preventive measures and other psychosocial programs for those with psychotic disorders.

  • Support treatments that include individual, family, group and network approaches and treatment methods that are derived from psychoanalysis, cognitive-behavioral, systemic psycho-educational and related approaches.

  • Advance education, training and knowledge of mental health professionals in the psychological therapies and psychosocial interventions in the treatment and prevention of psychotic mental disorders for the public benefit regardless of race, religion, gender or socio-economic status.


The International Society for Ethical Psychology and Psychiatry (ISEPP) - ISEPP  "is an organization of people who find, study, use and promote safe, humane and life-enhancing approaches to helping people who are experiencing emotional distress, life crises, difficult dilemmas, spiritual emergencies and other forms of overwhelm and who, due to those experiences, are diagnosed with mental disorders.
Such approaches include various forms of psychotherapy, support groups, self-help programs and help with employment, relationships, education, housing, exercise, nutrition and other issues of living.
We are opposed to the use of psychotropic drugs and electroshock in “helping” people who are going through such experiences.  Although they may help people feel better in the short run, drugs and electroshock don’t help people address the causes of their problems and, in the long run, they make people chronically ill and disabled.
We have reviewed the research that “finds” that mental disorders are caused by chemical imbalances, genetic dynamics and neurological anomalies and have found it lacking in scientific validity.  Rather, our experience and our study tells us that the great majority of the states of being which lead people to be diagnosed with mental disorders are essentially how people are reacting to their life situations - avoiding pain, protecting themselves, feeling more adequate, gaining the illusion of control, dealing with fear and loss, seeking some degree of control and comfort – and that the best way to help them is to use the “symptoms” to learn about themselves, become more accepting of what is true about themselves and their lives and learn how to manage their thoughts, feelings, intentions, perceptions, reactions and behavior so they can live more the way they want to live."


Recovery from Schizophrenia - - Information and thoughtful perspectives on treatment for schizophrenia and important issues regarding schizophrenia, such as reducing medications, language, recovery and treatment of people labeled schizophrenia.


Coming Off - - Coming Off Psychiatric Medication "aims to give you up to date information about psychiatric medication, how it functions and the withdrawal process. It is put together by people who have been prescribed medication and withdrawn from it, and clinicians who have been involved in supporting this process."



Yoga for Depression and Anxiety -


Need Adapted Treatment Model (NATM) -


International Association for Yoga Therapists -


The Community Consortium -


The International Network Toward Alternatives and Recovery - 


Mental Health Recovery -


Corinna West: Intensity -    


Rethinking Psychiatry -


International Network of Integrative Mental Health, Inc.

Robert Whitaker -

National Association for Rights Protection and Advocacy (NARPA) -

Psychosis Links -


Madness Radio - Madness Radio: Voices and Visions from Outside Mental Health brings you personal experiences of 'madness' from beyond conventional perspectives and mainstream treatments, and features survivors, authors, advocates, professionals, and artists.


Scot -


Art Therapy -


Gould Farm -

Cooper Riis -


Four Winds Hospital -


Prakash Ellenhorn -


Earth House -


Fountain House -


Wind Horse Guild -

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